Certyfikat Dobra Marka 2020 dla produktu CleverBox i firmy BeClever

Good Brand

This distinction is awarded to the fastest growing and most recognisable brands on the Polish market. As part of the Programme, surveys have been carried out already for the eleventh time aiming to determine the values, activities and recognisability of individual brands. The object of the analyses, made on the basis of generally available and other sources, were as follows: the market position and progress of individual brands, the quality presented by the given product or service and the degree of consumers’ and clients’ trust.

The CleverBox roller shutters were given a high score, so they were distinguished with the title of GOOD BRAND 2020 – Quality, Trust, Renown.

The emblem of the Good Brand is a perfect way to underline the status of a brand being a leader in its business, confirms the highest quality of a product or a service and proves the trust of the recipients and the renown of the brand.

Certyfikat Dobra Marka 2020 dla produktu CleverBox i firmy BeClever

Good Brand

This distinction is awarded to the fastest growing and most recognisable brands on the Polish market. As part of the Programme, surveys have been carried out already for the eleventh time aiming to determine the values, activities and recognisability of individual brands. The object of the analyses, made on the basis of generally available and other sources, were as follows: the market position and progress of individual brands, the quality presented by the given product or service and the degree of consumers’ and clients’ trust.

The CleverBox roller shutters were given a high score, so they were distinguished with the title of GOOD BRAND 2020 – Quality, Trust, Renown.

The emblem of the Good Brand is a perfect way to underline the status of a brand being a leader in its business, confirms the highest quality of a product or a service and proves the trust of the recipients and the renown of the brand.

Certyfikat Złoty Płatnik 2018 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Złoty Płatnik 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Golden Payer

A prestigious distinction awarded by Euler Hermes – the world leading provider of accounts receivable insurance solutions. It pertains to the companies meeting all of the following criteria: PMI below 80 pints, rating above CCC and no active debt collection procedures. Only 5% of the companies operating on the Polish market meet the above criteria, which emphasises the elite nature of the distinction of BeClever.

See the film

Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2021 dla firmy BeClever za należenie do grona najdynamiczniej rozwijających się firm w Polsce
Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2017 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2009 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2008 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Business Gazelles

The contest is organised by the editorial team of Puls Biznesu in cooperation with Coface Poland, a credit agency. The distinction is awarded based not only on the financial results and the dynamic rate of development, but also on reliability and transparency of business. The distinction is granted to the enterprises which showed a rapid growth in their turnover over the last three years.

Golden Payer

A prestigious distinction awarded by Euler Hermes – the world leading provider of accounts receivable insurance solutions. It pertains to the companies meeting all of the following criteria: PMI below 80 pints, rating above CCC and no active debt collection procedures. Only 5% of the companies operating on the Polish market meet the above criteria, which emphasises the elite nature of the distinction of BeClever.

See the film

Certyfikat Złoty Płatnik 2018 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Złoty Płatnik 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2021 dla firmy BeClever za należenie do grona najdynamiczniej rozwijających się firm w Polsce
Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2017 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2009 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Gazele Biznesu 2008 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Business Gazelles

The contest is organised by the editorial team of Puls Biznesu in cooperation with Coface Poland, a credit agency. The distinction is awarded based not only on the financial results and the dynamic rate of development, but also on reliability and transparency of business. The distinction is granted to the enterprises which showed a rapid growth in their turnover over the last three years.

Certyfikat Przejrzysta Firma 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Przejrzysta Firma 2009 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Transparent Enterprise

BeClever was distinguished with a Transparent Company Certificate granted by credit agency Dun & Bradstreet Poland with partners. The award confirms the financial transparency of enterprises, which follow the principle of business integrity and reliability. The distinction indicates reliability in satisfying the obligation to publish financial statements.

Certyfikat Solidni.biz dla firmy BeClever za profesjonalne standardy sprzedaży i obsługi klienta

Solid Enterprise

The distinction was awarded by the Solidni.biz website, which keeps a register of every reliable enterprise. The participants of the Solid Enterprise Programme are characterised not only by business reliability, but also a professional standard of sales and customer service. The certificate is yet another proof of reliability and solvency of BeClever.

Transparent Enterprise

BeClever was distinguished with a Transparent Company Certificate granted by credit agency Dun & Bradstreet Poland with partners. The award confirms the financial transparency of enterprises, which follow the principle of business integrity and reliability. The distinction indicates reliability in satisfying the obligation to publish financial statements.

Certyfikat Przejrzysta Firma 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Przejrzysta Firma 2009 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Solidni.biz dla firmy BeClever za profesjonalne standardy sprzedaży i obsługi klienta

Solid Enterprise

The distinction was awarded by the Solidni.biz website, which keeps a register of every reliable enterprise. The participants of the Solid Enterprise Programme are characterised not only by business reliability, but also a professional standard of sales and customer service. The certificate is yet another proof of reliability and solvency of BeClever.

Certyfikat wiarygodności dla BeClever za Creditreform

Reliability Certificate

It is granted by credit agency Creditreform and proves the payer’s reliability and credit rating of BeClever. It presents the overall standing of the company, strengthening its position in negotiations with suppliers and investors. To obtain the certificate, a range of requirements must be met involving strictly defined values of economic indicators as well as the relation and structure of assets and capitals.

Certyfikat Diamenty Forbesa 2022 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o. za znalezienie się w gronie najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się firm w Polsce.
Certyfikat Diamenty Forbes dla firmy BeClever

Forbes Diamond

The ranking is prepared by the editorial team of the Forbes monthly and credit agency Dun & Bradstreet. The distinction is awarded to the enterprises which increased their market value the strongest over the last three years of operation. The list of Forbes Diamonds was determined based on the Swiss method of valuation of goodwill. It allows measuring enterprises’ potential with regard to the investment volume and capacity to increase sales and profits.

Reliability Certificate

It is granted by credit agency Creditreform and proves the payer’s reliability and credit rating of BeClever. It presents the overall standing of the company, strengthening its position in negotiations with suppliers and investors. To obtain the certificate, a range of requirements must be met involving strictly defined values of economic indicators as well as the relation and structure of assets and capitals.

Certyfikat wiarygodności dla BeClever za Creditreform
Certyfikat Diamenty Forbesa 2022 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o. za znalezienie się w gronie najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się firm w Polsce.
Certyfikat Diamenty Forbes dla firmy BeClever

Forbes Diamond

The ranking is prepared by the editorial team of the Forbes monthly and credit agency Dun & Bradstreet. The distinction is awarded to the enterprises which increased their market value the strongest over the last three years of operation. The list of Forbes Diamonds was determined based on the Swiss method of valuation of goodwill. It allows measuring enterprises’ potential with regard to the investment volume and capacity to increase sales and profits.

Certyfikat Firma Godna Zaufania 2015 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Trustworthy Enterprise

The Trustworthy Enterprise Certificate is granted by CBOK Sp. z o.o., specialist in customer opinion surveys, and is on of the most popular distinctions given in Poland. It is awarded to enterprises showing impeccable opinion among clients and contractors. BeClever obtained the distinction for its impeccable opinion on the Internet, business achievements and – first and foremost – the quality of provided services and a distinguishable approach to the client.

Certyfikat Wiarygodności Biznesowej 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Wiarygodności Biznesowej 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Business Reliability

The certificate is granted by market leading credit agency Dun & Bradstreet Poland. D&B Poland honours only enterprises with the strongest business reliability which meet strictly defined criteria. Distinguished are such enterprises where the financial results guarantee high profitability, credit rating and financial liquidity and where the level of indebtedness and registered overdue payments is scarce.

Trustworthy Enterprise

The Trustworthy Enterprise Certificate is granted by CBOK Sp. z o.o., specialist in customer opinion surveys, and is on of the most popular distinctions given in Poland. It is awarded to enterprises showing impeccable opinion among clients and contractors. BeClever obtained the distinction for its impeccable opinion on the Internet, business achievements and – first and foremost – the quality of provided services and a distinguishable approach to the client.

Certyfikat Firma Godna Zaufania 2015 dla BeClever za nienaganną opinię wśród klientów oraz kontrahentów
Certyfikat Wiarygodności Biznesowej 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Wiarygodności Biznesowej 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Business Reliability

The certificate is granted by market leading credit agency Dun & Bradstreet Poland. D&B Poland honours only enterprises with the strongest business reliability which meet strictly defined criteria. Distinguished are such enterprises where the financial results guarantee high profitability, credit rating and financial liquidity and where the level of indebtedness and registered overdue payments is scarce.

Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2014 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2011 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2008 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Business Cheetahs

The ranking was prepared by credit agency InfoCredit at the request of the Modern Business Institute. The results were determined according to the methods developed by the Institute of Co-operative Banking. The contest list was prepared on the basis of increase in the market value of enterprises in the set period.

Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2014 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2013 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2012 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2011 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Effective Enterprise

The contests – organised among enterprises from the construction material trade – were prepared by credit agency InfoCredit at the request of the Modern Business Institute. The ranking included the enterprises where the three-year average of the ratio of the net profit to operating revenues was above 5 percent in years 2007-2009.

Business Cheetahs

The ranking was prepared by credit agency InfoCredit at the request of the Modern Business Institute. The results were determined according to the methods developed by the Institute of Co-operative Banking. The contest list was prepared on the basis of increase in the market value of enterprises in the set period.

Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2014 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2011 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Gepardy Biznesu 2008 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2014 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2013 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2012 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2011 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Dyplom Efektywna Firma 2010 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Effective Enterprise

The contests – organised among enterprises from the construction material trade – were prepared by credit agency InfoCredit at the request of the Modern Business Institute. The ranking included the enterprises where the three-year average of the ratio of the net profit to operating revenues was above 5 percent in years 2007-2009.

Certyfikat Mocna Firma Godna Zaufania 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Mocna Firma Godna Zaufania 2014 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.

Trustworthy Strong Company

The award is granted by the Institute of Modern Business. Distinction of the BeClever company for dynamic development and high efficiency of operation based on financial data from the National Court Register.

List gratulacyjny od czytelników Forum Branżowe dla produktu CleverBox za innowacyjny produkt w branży stolarki budowlanej

Innovative Product

The CleverBox top-mounted roller shutter system was regarded by the readership of the Forum Branżowe monthly as an exceptionally innovative product in the construction woodwork trade, achieving the title of “Novelty 2010.” The distinction was awarded based on the results of a survey carried out among the readership of the Forum Branżowe monthly. The votes were cast by representatives of enterprises dealing with wood joinery and protection system techniques. The obtained distinction confirms the innovative solutions of the CleverBox system, appreciated by professionals dealing with them directly or indirectly.

Trustworthy Strong Company

The award is granted by the Institute of Modern Business. Distinction of the BeClever company for dynamic development and high efficiency of operation based on financial data from the National Court Register.

Certyfikat Mocna Firma Godna Zaufania 2016 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
Certyfikat Mocna Firma Godna Zaufania 2014 dla BeClever Sp. z o.o.
List gratulacyjny od czytelników Forum Branżowe dla produktu CleverBox za innowacyjny produkt w branży stolarki budowlanej

Innovative Product

The CleverBox top-mounted roller shutter system was regarded by the readership of the Forum Branżowe monthly as an exceptionally innovative product in the construction woodwork trade, achieving the title of “Novelty 2010.” The distinction was awarded based on the results of a survey carried out among the readership of the Forum Branżowe monthly. The votes were cast by representatives of enterprises dealing with wood joinery and protection system techniques. The obtained distinction confirms the innovative solutions of the CleverBox system, appreciated by professionals dealing with them directly or indirectly.

Nagroda Kryształowy Profil 2006 dla BeClever w kategorii Firma Roku za skok w rozwoju, odwagę w działu i innowacyjność

Crystal Profile

The award given by the Grand Industry Committee and Oknonet, construction woodwork industry website. Distinction of BeClever for its developmental leap, courage in action and innovativeness.

Crystal Profile

The award given by the Grand Industry Committee and Oknonet, construction woodwork industry website. Distinction of BeClever for its developmental leap, courage in action and innovativeness.

Nagroda Kryształowy Profil 2006 dla BeClever w kategorii Firma Roku za skok w rozwoju, odwagę w działu i innowacyjność